Dad’s update for 09/11/2022 – Remembering

Yesterday was Elizabeth’s ‘liver-versary’—one year since her second transplant.  Although I am currently quarantined in my basement with COVID and not feeling quite myself, I couldn’t let that go by without a blog post. I have to admire how she has worked her way back to finishing school. As a matter of fact, she is yesterday and today working a couple of her ‘practicum’ shifts. Because 9/10 is also my wedding anniversary (34 years), we will celebrate both in time. This time in September is actually filled with quite a few anniversaries in our family. Of course, it will also always be tinged by the events of 9/11. It is hard to think about the good things without the others. Regardless, I continue to thank God for all He has done in our family and for the hope that He continues to inspires in us. No song today but the Bible verse I’ll offer is 1 Chronicles 16:12 (NIV) which says, “Remember the wonders He has done, His miracles, and the judgments He pronounced…”

Elizabeth Burger

Delaware, OH

Transplant Type: Liver

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $50,000.00

Raised: $17,100 of $50,000 goal

Raised by 38 contributors

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