How You Can Help

If you could help make a miracle, would you?

The question is as simple as that.  If your answer is ‘yes’, I invite you to join the nearly 100,000 volunteers and contributors who during the past two decades generously donated their time and money to the Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA).  These volunteers and financial supporters are COTA’s Miracle Makers — a group of committed individuals who are helping give children across the country a second chance at life.

COTA is a national non-profit organization that helps children and young adults who need or have had a life-saving transplant by raising funds to pay transplant-related expenses.  Transplant families look to COTA for assistance and support, for hope
and miracles.

Since 1986, COTA has helped thousands of patients raise millions of dollars for transplant-related expenses.  COTA is a 501(c)3 organization; therefore donations to COTA are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.  COTA is the premier national organization helping families with transplant-needy children and young adults.  100% of all funds raised are used for transplant-related expenses.  COTA does not charge a fee or take a percentage of the funds raised.

Make a Donation


The Children’s Organ Transplant Association needs your help to make a miracle for Jayce Valencia!

Volunteers are needed to help plan and implement fundraising activities.  Individuals and groups who are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities should contact COTA for Jayce V Community Coordinator, Carmen Marquez at 209.349.1997 or or another key community volunteer.

The COTA for Jayce V key community volunteers are:

Community Coordinator
Oversees and directs all campaign activities. 
Carmen Marquez 209.349.1997 
Stephanie Marquez 209.777.2153 

Public Relations Coordinator
Coordinates all media contacts, press releases and publicity for fundraising activities and events.
Kheng Xiong 

Maintains and updates patient campaign website.
Joe Marquez 209.489.2989 

Please join thousands of volunteers across the country and become a COTA Miracle Maker today.  Make a donation.  Volunteer to help a family.  Register to be an organ and tissue donor.  Help us make a miracle.

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