Kennedy is scheduled for Her transplant! It is scheduled for September 19th. There are many moving parts that are still happening before Surgery day. Kennedy and her Mom. Kirstin will be traveling to Cincinnati in July for a few per-op appointments with hemotologyand endocrinology. Kennedy will also be having a special MRI done of her liver to make sure it is healthy and ready to accept the islet cells. Thank you to everyone that has Donated to COTA for Kennie, Shared Kennedy’s story, Reached out to Kennedy’s Family to let them know you are there for them, and that have prayed for them.
Kennedy (Kennie) Headlee
Phoenix, AZ
Transplant Type: Islet Cell
Transplant Status: Transplanted
Goal: $75,000.00
Raised: $6,586 of $75,000 goal
Raised by 52 contributors