Our Story

Moriah was diagnosed with a rare liver disease called Biliary Atresia at 3 months of age. She had her Kasai surgery just days after we got the diagnosis. Within two months of the surgery, it was evident that it wasn't successful because her bilirubin and other liver labs continued to rise and worsen. By this time, we knew that the only other option for Moriah to live a healthy life would...

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Moriah Johnson

Rogersville, MO

Transplant Type: Liver

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $100,000.00

Raised: $55,472 of $100,000 goal

Raised by 82 contributors


Prayer Request!


This goofy baby girl has to get labs done tomorrow morning. We could really use your prayers because her veins have been quite difficult lately. PLEASE PRAY FOR:... Continue Reading »

Apple Picking Today


Moriah came along for the ride to go apple picking today. Goodness, I can’t even begin to express how joyful it makes me to see all 4 of... Continue Reading »

3 Month Post Transplant Liver Clinic


We had our 3 month post transplant liver clinic this morning! Moriah has gained over 1.5lbs in 1 month and she’s grown 1 inch in length!! Her labs... Continue Reading »



So much has changed in between these two photos. That big bellied, yellow baby got a miracle just 1 day after that photo was taken. My goodness, I’m... Continue Reading »



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Meet Lacey


Our favorite phlebotomist whose been drawing Moriah’s blood for the last 9 months. She is amazing at her job, very personal and always so gentle with Moriah. We... Continue Reading »

2 Month Post Transplant


Moriah’s 2 month post transplant liver clinic went really well! All of her labs are continuing to remain stable. Her tacro (immunosuppressant medicine) level jumped up today after... Continue Reading »

How big is Moriah?! SO big!!


  This girl is getting into EVERYTHING & her little messes of toys make me sooo happy! Her life has taught me to be grateful for all the... Continue Reading »

<< 1 YEAR OLD >>


Our dandelion girl is 1 year old!! To say that we are grateful for her life is an understatement. There were many months that I feared we wouldn’t... Continue Reading »