Happy Birthday, Peter!

Birthday and KC pics are posted on Caring Bridge here: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/peterhernandez/journal/view/id/611fc17b9aa7c16dd3b89bb5

Three years ago, our whole world changed when Peter arrived into it. Thus, we embarked on the most unexpected, heart wrenching, and miraculous journey of our lives. On this day exactly three years ago, when we thought we had a healthy third child, we imagined what when Peter turned three he would be almost exactly where he’s at right now: potty training, preparing for preschool, growing like a weed, and trying his darnest to keep up with his siblings.  Peter is starting the same preschool this year that Michael was just beginning when Peter was born!  The amazing part is the road he took to get here! If we’d had a choice, we would not have chosen medically complex and developmentally delayed.  But I’m so proud of and thankful for the Peter we have!

Some of Peter’s favorites at 3 years old: monkeys, jeeps, any cool vehicle, Spiderman (of course!), playing outside, and pretend playing Aurora’s little American Girl violin. A year ago we were able to stop nutrition through his gtube. Now he loves all the food.  His favorite snacks are cheese, ham, apples, granola bars, yogurt, crackers, and ice cream!  He is social like Michael but a little more reserved.  He is tenacious, determined, focused, independent and enjoys challenging tasks.  These are all wonderful qualities…and it also means  I have to be on my toes because Peter loves to do things himself that I might not prefer! He loves to get up to the kitchen sink and “scrubby dubby”—wash dishes.  I love to encourage that, but have to watch that he doesn’t break dishes or get hurt.

Peter has been using his words 98% of time these days.  He hardly uses signs to communicate with us because he can say so many words!  His speech is harder to understand than his siblings at this age.  However, Peter definitely has the same breadth of vocabulary.  He understands everything we say and often attempts to repeat what he hears—he is always listening, and picks up on naughty things that his siblings say. 

This week we traveled to KC for cardiology and neurodevelopment appointments.  Siblings are currently allowed back in clinic with patients so the big kids got to go with us—a huge treat!  In preparation for visiting the hospital gift shop, our kids set up a lemonade stand to earn spending money.  We also visited Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead.  We thought we might get to swim at our hotel, but the pool was closed.  The big kids got to watch Disney XD in our hotel room, which is a huge privilege because they rarely get to just watch TV.

Peter received excellent reports from his doctors.  His heart looks fabulous and is on the high end of normal function.  The psychologist was impressed with Peter and also how in tune his siblings are with him.  She commented that Peter is now “solidly average”.  Last year at this time he scored low average.  Peter was deemed preschool ready, and the doctor has no concerns about his development.  In fact, we don’t have to go back for neurodevelopment for two years (unless we have concerns).  Some of Peter’s strengths are his “learning to learn” skills and his social development.  “Learning to learn” skills are the skills Peter has that allow him to learn something new—for example, he’s very good at completing a task that has been modeled for him.  He also communicated with the doctor that he was nervous about the appointment by saying “no ouchies?” to her, meaning “Is something going to hurt during this appointment?”  When she assured him that there were no ouchies, he relaxed.  He was engaging, obedient, and demonstrated concentration and self-control.  She also commented that his resilience will continue to serve him well—meaning coming this far from all the challenges he’s faced.  We praise God and rejoice for Peter and the blessing of his progress!

Our entire family has started school this week or will start soon.  Aurora is in 5th grade; Michael is in 1st. Christopher is teaching two math classes at our school in addition to his normal tutoring.  Peter begins preschool in a few weeks.  While Peter is in class, I am teaching one literature class and am the new school librarian! 

Earlier this month we decided to enter some projects in the open class of our county fair.  Aurora made birthday cake cinnamon rolls (and won 1st place), a necklace (won 1st), a two-piece outfit (won 2nd), and painted a picture.  Michael made an original Lego creation, which won 3rd!  They both received prize money! Very exciting!

Thank you for your continued prayers for us.  It is a true blessing and miracle to see Peter making progress and doing so well!  Much of it is due to his therapies and our commitment to working with him.  Part of the reason he’s so healthy is the way his body continues to tolerate his transplanted heart, meds, and grow normally.  That is something we ultimately can’t make happen.  It’s just Peter and we are so grateful to the Lord.