Our Story

Our sweet Peter Miles was born in August 2018.  It wasn’t until he was a day old that we had any inkling that he had a congenital heart defect, critical aortic stenosis.  He was transferred to the nearest children’s hospital where he underwent a procedure to open his partially fused aortic valve using a balloon.  Although this procedure was successful, Peter developed an infection that ultimately destroyed his aortic valve...

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Peter Hernandez

Salina, KS

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $75,000.00


The Good, the Bad, and the Fungally


The Good Whew, it has been a minute since I’ve updated here! That is mostly because Peter has been doing so well and been healthy and rejection-free, and... Continue Reading »

The Good, the Bad, the Fungally


The Good (I added some more picture to our CaringBridge site here:https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/peterhernandez/journal/view/id/646d6e94c2b6a232d3cf8e91) Whew, it has been a minute since I’ve updated here! That is mostly because Peter has... Continue Reading »

Winter Update!


Happy fall and winter!  It's been quite a while since my last update.  As they say, no news is good news, but quite a lot has been happening... Continue Reading »

Happy Birthday, Peter!


Birthday and KC pics are posted on Caring Bridge here: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/peterhernandez/journal/view/id/611fc17b9aa7c16dd3b89bb5 Three years ago, our whole world changed when Peter arrived into it. Thus, we embarked on the most... Continue Reading »

Summer Update


It’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated! Peter has been fantastic! I posted some pictures on Caring Bridge here: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/peterhernandez/journal/view/id/60c60154846bd961a2e2792b We had a cardiac clinic appointment in May.... Continue Reading »

Potty Training and Preschool


Yep, those things are happening at our house! But before I give you the news flash, here's the long way around of how we got there.   A... Continue Reading »

Happy Second Transplant-iversary!


Peter's second transplant anniversary was yesterday.  Two years--so fast, yet so slow. We are so thankful to our donor family!  We actually have had two donors--the heart donor... Continue Reading »

Heart Cath Results


I don’t know if you all are waiting on pins and needs for Peter’s biopsy results this week but we were! Peter had a heart cath and biopsy... Continue Reading »

Happy Kansas Day!


Happy Kansas Day!   Our school celebrates Kansas day with students researching and portraying a famous Kansan. This year Aurora was Minnie Grinstead, the first woman Kansas state... Continue Reading »