Happy Transplant Anniversary To Eva

Tuesday, November 16th marked the 2 year transplant anniversary.  We spent the day at Seattle Children’s Hospital getting extensive labs and abdominal imaging. Such an exhaustive work up might have felt unnecessary if it had not been for the mystery virus Eva struggled with just a week earlier which caused a hospital stay.  Due to this, seeing her transplant team and having their eyes look over her so extensively was a relief.

The Seattle team was FINALLY able to get results on the EBV virus and it did result positive.  This is unfortunate but not something we haven’t dealt with before.  A simple reduction of her immune suppression drug will allow her body to fight it naturally and all should resolve quickly.  I am always a fan of lowering the dose on her medication and allowing her immune system to improve.  Doing so, means  weekly lab visits over the next couple of months as we find that delicate balance between protecting her liver and allowing her to have an immune system but it also means that she will be able to fight off every cold and flu that comes her way more effectively.

Over all it was a great visit.  She is in good health.  We made it all the way through 2021 with no rejection episodes. This means, if she response well to this lower dose of medication she will be able to continue living with a stronger immune system in 2022; still immunocompromised but stronger.

Each annual visit going forward we will have the same conversation; can we lower the medication and strengthen her immune system?  We just have to keep getting more years behind us with no rejection, one day at a time.

Thank you all for your love and support

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