Thank you our donators

A huge shout out to those who have been able to donate to COTA for Team JJ thank you for your support prayer and donations if you can not donate please share. And thanks to those who have been sending support and prayers

JBS company 

Miguel . Kyle

Sebastian . Jesus

Chabelo . El caballo

Juan . Amar

Margarita. . Benard

 Christian . Joel

 Ray . Frankie 

lupe . Joe

 Ernie . Jorge

Robert . Beto

amador. . Manny 

 ramon. . Walter 

 Alex . Raul

Lance . Saloman

Omar . Rosa 

Curt. . Able 

Don. . Ricardo

Gene. . Joel

Juan. . Lucious

Mike. . Juan

Albert. . Zeke

Abdul. . Ismael

Andrea. . Nicholas

Nubia. . Luz

Maribel. . Tina

Jose. . Jose 



J.J. Martinez

Avondale, AZ

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $50,000.00

Raised: $1,665 of $50,000 goal

Raised by 15 contributors

One thought on “Thank you our donators

  1. I wanted to leave a video update but my mom don’t know how in here. But I wanted to thank you for the donation and for sharing my story. I am excited to get a new heart and a fresh start at a new life. I’m scared and nervous but my mom and family make me stronger. The doctor’s told me I will be on so many medications for my life that this money will help pay for so thank you all. And there will be many many Dr visits so mom definitely won’t be able to work and this will help for out of money pay for things the procedure will leave for my dad to pay and he works alot already. Thank you all

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