Our Story
Welcome to Valen's COTA site! Here is a quick summary of Valen's journey with acute idiopathic liver failure. In June of 2021, healthy 3.5 year old Valen Krasnov attended a camping trip with his Dad and Grandpa. Upon returning, Valen's parents noticed Valen's eyes turning yellow. Immediately, Valen was seen by his pediatrician who urgently transferred Valen to Phoenix Children's hospital. Two weeks of testing and being admitted, Valen is...
Continue Reading »Valen Krasnov
Somerset, WI
Transplant Type: Liver
Transplant Status: Waiting for Transplant
Goal: $50,000.00
Raised: $31,341 of $50,000 goal
Raised by 57 contributors
Introduction to Valen!
Hey everyone! For those of you who haven’t followed Valen’s journey before, this is Valen Krasnov. He is 6 years old! These photos are all post transplant. You... Continue Reading »
2nd Annual Facebook Fundraiser!
Hello everyone and thank you for visiting the COTA for Valen Strong Facebook Fundraiser. For National Donate Life Month, we are running a fundraiser in honor of Valen... Continue Reading »
Transplant Is Not A Cure: Valen has Esptein-Barr Virus
As you all know by now receiving a transplant is not a cure but a journey. This is why continued efforts for COTA for Valen Strong are so... Continue Reading »
First Weeks in Minnesota
National Liver Awareness Month!
Did you know that October is National Liver Awareness Month? (Photo from https://liverfoundation.org/resource-center/blog/october-is-national-liver-awareness-month-are-you-at-risk-2/ ) The American Liver Foundation recommends everyone to take their free liver health quiz. Lorraine Stiehl, Chief... Continue Reading »
HOORAY for Lab Results!
Everyone! This new move has been truly such a positive change for Valen's liver functions. Not only are the Krasnovs truly thriving in Minnesota, they have a liver... Continue Reading »
Good News: The Challenge Grant
YOUR hard work has paid off! Can YOU believe that within 6 months of our fundraising efforts, we surpassed the 50% benchmark! Guys that is amazing! Because you... Continue Reading »
Officially MOVED & Lab Updates!
We last left off with updates from the Krasnovs in Arizona. Well, they have officially moved to Minnesota! They are near family and have a new transplant team... Continue Reading »
Valen Starts Basketball!
Something Valen has started recently is BASKETBALL! This is his first team sport to be a part of. He is loving it. Check him out below! Continue Reading »