Transplant = success!

Hey everyone!!

First of all we are so thankful for all the prayers. 

Everything is going really well post transplant for Zane. His kidney function is AMAZING! His creatinine is .2 (what!!!) There’s a few adjustments with labs but overall that part is doing really well. Zane got his cath out today and that has caused some discomfort and pain for him. He is literally peeing every 5 minutes and it hurts him everytime. This should go away with time. 
Zane does have a stent in which they will take out in about a month. He will have sedation with this. He is due for a post MRI from the PRES he had in December so we are hoping we can do these together, so one sedation.

We are looking at Zane going home next Wednesday!! They are all AMAZED at how well he is doing. I have even had a nurse tell me he is one of the best post transplant kiddos they have seen. He truly is my little rockstar.

Kirk is doing good and got to go home today! He is managing his pain really well. He is amazing. Truly. They had a complication in surgery. They had a misfire with the stable gun, which caused bledding, so they had to fully cut him open. The surgeon was amazing and he saved the kidney and there was no harm to Kirk (other than the huge incision he has.) We had planned on a laparoscopic nephrectomy for Kirk, but things happen. Kirk is okay and the kidney is okay and that is all that matters. His recovery will be a lot harder, obviously.


i don’t have much more to add, other than thank you.


also, for (at least) 6 weeks we ask if you want to see Zane ask us first. We are truly trying to limit his exposure. His immune system is not great and right now his WBC is a little low which makes it even lower. 
we love y’all and we can’t tell you how blessed we feel. 


So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all.”

GOD IS GOOD. All the time. GOD IS GOOD!

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