Empezar a trabajar

La Asociación de Trasplantes de Órganos Infantiles (COTA) puede ayudar a eliminar las barreras económicas que impiden un trasplante que salva vidas.

Dé el primer paso y empiece hoy mismo


Enviar información

Envíe su información para saber cómo puede ayudarle COTA.


Recibir orientación y apoyo

Confíe en COTA para apoyar a su familia y liderar su equipo de voluntarios.


Empezar a recaudar fondos

Aprenda a recaudar más dinero para los gastos relacionados con el trasplante.

Empiece hoy mismo

Descubra por qué COTA tiene más éxito que otras opciones de recaudación de fondos.

Sepa por qué las familias colaboran con COTA:

¿Por qué elegir COTA?

El 100% de los fondos recaudados se destinan a gastos relacionados con el trasplante… para toda la vida. No cobramos un porcentaje de lo recaudado, como hacen la mayoría de los sitios de crowdfunding.

Proporcionamos un sitio web de campaña gratuito y herramientas en línea como parte de nuestra estrategia integral de recaudación de fondos. El COTA actúa como administrador de los fondos para que no se consideren ingresos ni pongan en peligro los programas de asistencia.


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El COTA camina contigo

Jazlyn McRavin

Jazlyn McRavin

COTA Patient

“Knowing that COTA was there simply made everything easier for my family. My mom did not lose our home and she was able to take care of my younger sister’s needs as well throughout the ups and downs of my journey. COTA allowed us to have food at our house and food at the transplant center. COTA ensured we could put gas in the car for the many dialysis appointments I had to be driven to while we waited for my perfect kidney. All of the prescription medications. Even my living donor’s hotel room near the transplant center when she traveled to donate her kidney … all of it. I am not sure what we would have done without this organization, and I will continue to depend on COTA’s amazing support and guidance for a lifetime.”

Jazlyn McRavin

COTA Patient – University of North Carolina Hospital, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Daniel George

Mary Beth and Robert George

Parents of Daniel

“The Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) has given us space to breathe knowing that the heavy financial burden associated with a life-saving transplant has been lifted off our shoulders. Having COTA on our team has been a game changer for us. During the time when neither of us could work, our household bills were covered, and we did not lose our home. There are no words to adequately describe the security we as parents feel knowing that thanks to COTA, our son, Daniel, will be able to receive the care he needs for a lifetime.”

Mary Beth and Robert George

Parents of Daniel

Betty Stoltz

Lester Stoltz and Andrya Dodson

Parents of Betty

“COTA was critical to us during a time of great need and great unknowns. COTA created a platform for our support network that was easy to use. COTA funds have been crucial to keeping our family financially whole when we were at our miracle baby’s hospital bedside and were unable to work. With COTA, we did not lose everything. COTA gave us a platform where we could share Betty’s transplant journey with our networks back home. And when our family and friends could respond and share their words of encouragement and support, we were given a gift we will always treasure.”

Lester Stoltz and Andrya Dodson

Parents of Betty

“Knowing that COTA was there simply made everything easier for my family. My mom did not lose our home and she was able to take care of my younger sister’s needs as well throughout the ups and downs of my journey. COTA allowed us to have food at our house and food at the transplant center. COTA ensured we could put gas in the car for the many dialysis appointments I had to be driven to while we waited for my perfect kidney. All of the prescription medications. Even my living donor’s hotel room near the transplant center when she traveled to donate her kidney … all of it. I am not sure what we would have done without this organization, and I will continue to depend on COTA’s amazing support and guidance for a lifetime.”

Jazlyn McRavin

COTA Patient – University of North Carolina Hospital, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

“The Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) has given us space to breathe knowing that the heavy financial burden associated with a life-saving transplant has been lifted off our shoulders. Having COTA on our team has been a game changer for us. During the time when neither of us could work, our household bills were covered, and we did not lose our home. There are no words to adequately describe the security we as parents feel knowing that thanks to COTA, our son, Daniel, will be able to receive the care he needs for a lifetime.”

Mary Beth and Robert George

Parents of Daniel

“COTA was critical to us during a time of great need and great unknowns. COTA created a platform for our support network that was easy to use. COTA funds have been crucial to keeping our family financially whole when we were at our miracle baby’s hospital bedside and were unable to work. With COTA, we did not lose everything. COTA gave us a platform where we could share Betty’s transplant journey with our networks back home. And when our family and friends could respond and share their words of encouragement and support, we were given a gift we will always treasure.”

Lester Stoltz and Andrya Dodson

Parents of Betty