Edrington Family Support Fund
We created the Edrington Family Support Fund to honor Roberta Edrington, a generous Miracle Maker whose faithful giving to COTA gave hope to transplant families across the country. Through her estate, she left a legacy that will continue to have an impact for many years.
Roberta first learned about our mission while listening to a radio newscast. She was moved and motivated to help when the news director mentioned a COTA fundraising event to assist a young woman waiting for a transplant. Roberta made a life-changing decision to make a contribution to help transplant families in need. She continued to support COTA’s efforts for 20 years. When Roberta passed away at the age of 103, she made an estate gift so her support would continue.
The Edrington Family Support Fund bridges the gap many of our families experience when faced with transplant-related expenses. Contributions to these funds allow us to assist with expenses that exceed assistance available from COTA community campaign fundraising. Your gift can be designated to assist patients based on specific state, diagnosis or transplant type. Available funds include:
Dann Quesada Cystic Fibrosis Fund
Hayden’s Hope for pediatric heart transplant
Heart Fund
Islet Cell/Pancreas Fund
Kidney Fund
Liver Fund
Lung Fund
COTA for Lifeline National for medication assistance
Military Family Fund
Multivisceral Fund
PKD Fund
Stem Cell/BMT Fund
Funds in all 50 States