Our Story

*Received my new heart on June 22nd at 1am* Åskar surprised us when he was born (on April 20, 2021) with two things ... he was just a little guy weighing 5lbs 9oz and his heart wasn't formed correctly.  Åskar's heart had several problems which got him the diagnosis of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. His aorta was really narrow, his left pulmonary artery was also narrow and his tricuspid valve...

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Askar Kannegaard

Miami, AZ

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $50,000.00

Raised: $37,730 of $50,000 goal

Raised by 125 contributors


Finally got rid of the NG


Åskar got his gtube surgery Wednesday the 15th.  It all went great and he is healing great. It is Continue Reading »

GTube all done…


He officially has no more tubes on his face...YAY!!!   He's healing great from surgery and of course handled it like a champ.   All is going well with doing... Continue Reading »



Well since at this moment, Åskar still isn't taking any real good amount of food by mouth, it has been decided we move to getting him switched from... Continue Reading »

Today marks….


6 months since Åskar received his amazing gift......his new heart. And as of now, he has had no signs of rejection!!!   Little man amazes us everyday! Continue Reading »

Cath results….


Cath went great, all the pressures look good or similar to his past cath.  And biopsy results......NO REJECTION.    Yay!! Continue Reading »

6 month post Heart Cath


This month, it will be (21st-22nd) 6 months since Åskar got his amazing gift. Lots will happen this month, Monday 12th he will get a heart cath and... Continue Reading »

Alil update…


Åskar is still doing great!   Everything regarding his heart is doing good, as usually we are up and down on his Tacro levels being at the right spot... Continue Reading »

Great news….


According to the STs at yesterday's Swallow test (xray while drinking a barium drink).....Åskar is no longer aspirating.  YAY!!!!! Continue Reading »



Åskar is doing great!!!!   His last clinic appointment went great, echo, labs and everything else all looked like it should.  He is fully on his new formula  (Kate... Continue Reading »