Update From Home

Peter came home from the hospital a week ago. And he had been a brand new boy ever since!  Before this most recent admission, I had not seen him smile, play, laugh or want to eat even a cracker for weeks.  Now he is back to himself—playful, exploring, happy.  And he is eating Cheerios and crackers all the time! He even lets us feed him yogurt. From a spoon! He hasn’t allowed that in months.  So it seems like the fluids and antibiotics in the hospital did the trick.


We had our doctor in Salina yesterday for a check up and Peter’s ears looked great. However, last night one of them started draining fluid, and he threw up at the end of a feed.  This was very disheartening and concerning (especially in the weariness of late night). We visited our doctor again today and now we have antibiotics and he’s been doing well so far today. We are being extra vigilant of his throwing up to prevent dehydration.


We return to KC for our regular cardiac check up on Thursday. And then we have something special planned for our family for Christmas. It’s a surprise for the kids, but I’ll post pics next week.


Children’s Mercy has enacted visitor restrictions stating tomorrow, December 18.  This means kids under 12 yrs can’t visit patients.  They determine the date to start restrictions based on the number of cases of rsv, flu, respiratory illness, etc that they are seeing.  Basically, people are sick. So we are going to be hibernating even more than we have been.


Please pray for healing for Peter’s ears and for him to continue to feel good. And for no throwing up!

Peter Hernandez

Salina, KS

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $75,000.00

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