Comfort Please

It’s been a little bit of a rough week for Annabelle. It started last Sunday when I received a call from the hospital as I was driving JD(Daddy) and Madison(Big Sister) to the airport. They weaned one of her meds last week by a tiny bith and after a few days Annabelle decided she disagreed with that plan. Her oxygen increased to 100% and saturations quickly decreased. The doctor explained that they had to bag her a couple fo times to get her numbers back up and to try and get her to settle. After dropping off JD and Madison I hurried back to the hospital to be with Annabelle. By the time I arrived, Annabelle had been give a paralytic so that they could keep her calm and evaluate what caused her downward spiral. They performed several different tests to check for infections and all of those came back negative. After that event, Annabelle’s baseline for her oxygen requirements has been higher, she’s also been more aggitated. For the agitation they have been working on a new sedation plan. Her body has gotten use to the medicine that she was getting so they tried weaning it as they gave her a new one. After 3 days, it seems like they have gotten her to settle in. Her medical team here in St. Louis has been wonderful! They are great advocates for her care and really listen to our cares and concerns. Please continue to pray for Annabelle as she fights to maintain stength in the waiting of her Miracle In Motion. We are so thankful for each day that God has given us with our precious girl. God is faithful to complete the good work that he has started. 

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