Better Days

Annabelle has had a great week! Her medical team has decided to try her on a new vent mode that allows her to initiate the breaths when she wants them. This seems to be working well for her. The change was made on Thursday and over the past 24 hours she has required less sedation and her oxygen requirements have improved slightly. We celebrate every small victory and we’re thankful for each good day that God blesses us with. They have also increased Annabelle’s nutrition. She is no longer being fed every three hours, she gets to move to every 4 hours and seemes to be tolerating that well. In addition to all of this, our sweet girl received a big girl crib this week. I was so used to seeing her on the smaller table bed, that when they brought in this huge crib she began to look tiny again. She seems to really enjoy the extra space that it gives her. Please continue praying for Annabelle and the donor family. While we are praying for Annabelle’s healing, we also pray for the family that will be donating life to our sweet girl. 

Annabelle Rae Williams

St Augustine, FL

Transplant Type: Lung

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $75,000.00

Raised: $57,474 of $75,000 goal

Raised by 209 contributors

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