Dad’s Quick Update for 08/09/2022 Liver Biopsy

As we approach the one-year liver-versary (September 10), the doctors wanted to do a biopsy to check the status of the organ.  With some trepidation, Elizabeth had this done a few days ago.  It showed there is still inflammation – no better, no worse.  The good news is there were no signs of scarring or fibrosis.  The bad news is, well, still inflammation.  So, we’re not changing any medications for now.  (This is sadness, because Elizabeth really wants off the steroids.)  They said they will be doing further testing on the sample to determine how best to proceed, but we haven’t heard anything yet.

Not the best we hoped for.  Not the worst we hoped against.  Very middle of the road.  And the bottom line is that Elizabeth is still fully expecting to be returning to college for her final semester in a few weeks.  Everything is set for that now and, if all goes well, she will be graduated in December with her B.S. in Nursing.

No song today and no Bible verse but we are reminded that God is good all the time and all the time, God is good. Thank you all for your continuing prayers.

Elizabeth Burger

Delaware, OH

Transplant Type: Liver

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $50,000.00

Raised: $17,100 of $50,000 goal

Raised by 38 contributors

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