Ethan and dad went to Omaha on March 20th. He had his 6-month transplant clinic, and thankfully everything is well with his kidney.
Today he had two procedures done for manometry testing. One was a Antroduodenal Manometry and the other was an Anorectal manometry. He did require anesthesia while they inserted the tubes and sensors that would gather information throughout the day. His tube was pulled out this evening and we have preliminary results which we are still trying to process. He will be spending the night at Omaha Children’s Hospital and tomorrow morning he has another test which he will be awake for.
Depending on tomorrow’s findings, the doctor thinks he has a clear idea of what his problem is. This is great because we FINALLY will have answers, but its not the news we were prepared for. We are hopeful that we will be able to give him treatment with medicine that will work for him and hopefully avoid another surgery.
I plan to update later on when we have final results and have had time to process what is going on with Ethan.