6 Months Post Transplant

6 months, half a year… After a crazy, fast, heartbreaking, soul crushing 11 days of our world being flipped upside down. Watching Liviah deteriorate over the Christmas Holidays, to the point of needing a new liver to save her life, we have reached the milestone of 6 MONTHS!

If you know her, you know her story. If you see her, you’d never believe that she was in death’s grasp… the things she was saying “Mom, when I’m in Heaven I’ll watch over you” Ummmmm, no sweet child of mine, you will be here on this Earth, with us, shining your light, being exactly who God made you to be, making a positive impact in this world.
She’s 4, that’s a huge calling for her, but she was saved by the grace of God, she’s still here for a reason she has a bigger purpose. We’re all changed because of what she went through.

Her half-year liverversary is a blessing for us, and as we’ve stated before, we are forever grateful for her donor and donor family, who we hope to someday know. Without them, we would be living a different story, a story that I hope and pray to never have to live.

Within the month of June we’ve had 2 interviews about Liviah’s Journey, 1 planned COTA fundraiser and approximately 10 appointments related to post-transplant things. Below is a story that came out yesterday, just in time to celebrate how far she has come!!
Local 12 Interview

At what we thought would be Liviah’s monthly blood draw, she was pumped to be brave (she’s always brave and doesn’t even realize it!), but not too thrilled with the needle part!

Results from her blood draws continue to give us insight, and a tweak to her anti-rejection medication was made again, and she’ll need another IVIG infusion to help her gain some antibodies to fight off any infections (once it’s *hopefully* approved by insurance).

We had another blood draw yesterday evening, which we weren’t really expecting to have to have until July, but it was to check the levels of her anti-rejection medication, and we hope that it’s within the range that is needed to continue to keep her healthy and thriving. (We will find out more about the results today.)

Aside from all the medical things, we have continued to have fun this summer! Food Trucks, sleep overs, amusement parks, the zoo, and dips in the pool for swim lessons. We look forward to making more phenomenal memories, and are thankful every single day to be where we are in her journey!

Here are Liviah and her siblings enjoying rides at the amusement park! 

Please be on the lookout for more upcoming COTA events and details.
So far we have:
7/17 from 4-8 Chipotle Fundraiser
7/27 Liviah’s 5th Birthday
8/4 A Fundraiser and Drawing at 16 Lots
8/27 Golf Outing

We continue to inch towards our goal of $55,000 for COTA in honor of Liviah to help with a lifetime of transplant-related expenses! Please consider donating, for every little bit helps.

Thank you for taking the time to read over this and God Bless!
Liz & Jack


Liviah Widders

Mason, OH

Transplant Type: Liver

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $55,000.00

Raised: $38,770 of $55,000 goal

Raised by 132 contributors

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