8 months post transplant…. a 5th Birthday and ALLLL of August

We have been so fortunate in Liviah’s Journey and are truly counting our blessings. In July, we got to attend our first liver transplant picnic. Children who had been transplanted just like Liviah got a special day to see doctors, nurses, and other people JUST LIKE her, while having fun in the sun!!

At the end of July (cough*on mom and dad’s 10 year anniversary*cough), our Sweet V celebrated her 5th birthday!!! In the hospital while she was going through Acute Liver Failure, we focused on obtainable goals- one of those being her birthday. When it rolled around, we did it up BIG TIME! Decorations, cake, parties, family, friends, everything!!! It was defintiely a celebration of being 5 and Alive, and we look forward to her celebrating SO MANY decades upon decades, upon decades, and if she takes after some of our family members, maybe even a century+ more of birthdays! We also got to celebrate Christmas in July with extended family, since all of our Christmas festivities came to a screeching hault back in December. Watching Liviah with all of her cousins, aunts, uncles, great aunts and uncles, grandparents, and great grandma was beyond heart warming. The end of July was very touching, and brings me to tears (the happy kind- I promise) as I type this. We are SO SO SO THANKFUL, and we never forget that none of this would have been possible if she didn’t have a donor. Praise the Lord for the family that said yes, the family that saved Liviah’s life!

Our COTA volunteers had a Facebook Fundraiser for COTA for her birthday, and our goal was met so quickly, that we tried to double it, and it was success thanks to all of YOU!!

As Liviah stepped into being newly 5 and a new month, she enjoyed some of her last summer days at our local amusement park with her brother AND met all of her PT goals! We miss seeing her physical therapist weekly, but also know that it’s a huge accomplishment to not have to partake in physical therapy anymore! She definitely hasn’t lost her fire, and that is part of the reason that we are here in this journey with her!

Following her birthday celebration, COTA Facebook fundraiser, and her graduating PT, we had a huge COTA fundraising event put together by our wonderfuli COTA volunteers, and it was an AMAZING turn out! Liviah got super choked up when she saw all the people who were there for her, and had tears as she hugged me and said “I’m so happy!” I’ve never met a newly 5 year old, so incredibly in tune with her emotions and gratitude for everything. We pray that she harnesses all of that, and gives back always!

4 days after the event, I started back to work- hence the lack of blogging, and I always forget how exhausting the beginning of the school year is. I am so thankful that Liviah is well enough that I am able to go back to work!! Again, a true blessing! 
Juliana’s birthday happened within my first week back to school, and Liviah enjoyed showering her with love on her birthday day, party day, and let’s be honest, ALWAYS!

After that week wrapped up, Jaxson had his first day of school, and although Liviah missed him, she wasn’t far behind! The next week, she got to start her 3rd year of preschool, and she/we are so incredibly lucky to have the same teacher!! We know that she is in great hands, and it really helps to put our minds at ease after everything that she’s endured.

We also had the start of sports practices/events. Liviah is playing soccer this year, and has started a new year of dance. We have her signed up for gymnastics, per her request, and she’s talking about basketball and cheerleading. Whew, kids keep us on the go- that’s for sure!

At the end of August we had another COTA fundraising event, a golf outing, held by Liviah’s Uncle Jake, and it was a huge success as well! Everyone seemed to have a great time on the sunny day, and Liviah got to meet everyone after she finished up her first soccer game. She’s doing so well, that if you didn’t know her story, you wouldn’t know that we were watching our daughter fight for her life at the end of December! Goodness gracious, she’s a warrior sent by God!

With the COTA for Liviah’s Journey birthday fundraiser and all of the events in August, close to $9,000 was raised! This is an added $9,000 to what has already been donated to COTA in honor of Liviah, all of which will help with transplanted related bills for a LIFETIME! (Hey, she may live a century more like stated above- every little bit helps!!!)

Aside from all of the celebrating and fundraisers, and overall kid life, she continues to do well. Fortunately she was able to FINALLY get an IVIg infusion today, even though she was supposed to get it back in June. It took a looooong time to get it approved by insurance, because ‘although her numbers were low, they weren’t low enough’. SMH. We are blessed with an amazing liver team, who put in calls and letters to the insurance company to help them understand the importance of the infusion, and to get it approved.
She did so well with her infusion (and monthly blood draw) this morning, that she went to school this afternoon, like I keep saying, she is absolutely AMAZING! Some results from her blood draw have started popping up this afternoon, and so far everything looks okay. We’re waiting on the tacro level to come back, because that is one that keeps getting adjusted (not in the best of ways).

We will try not to let it go for a whole month before updating everyone again. We continue to be so gracious to all those who donate to COTA for Liviah’s Journey. It’s still our goal to raise $55,000 and we’re almost half way there! I know we can do it! Please consider making a donation to help us reach our goal for COTA! 


The Widders 🙂

Liviah Widders

Mason, OH

Transplant Type: Liver

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $55,000.00

Raised: $38,770 of $55,000 goal

Raised by 132 contributors

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