Mary Ashley Journey to Los Angeles

For nearly 10 years we have been doing everything in our power to find a kidney for Mary Ashley.  Due to her very high antibody levels, she has not been a match to anyone despite hundreds of people trying.  The past 2 years have been spent on a journey to get her into a program at Cedar’s Sinai where they are able to use IV therapy to decrease the antibody levels.  Our plans to go there the summer of 2020 were crashed to due COVID.  We restarted this journey this spring once everyone was able to be vaccinated.  We had our first appointment in May which went so well.  We were so impressed with the medical team.  However, there were concerns about her abililty to be transplanted due to narrowed vessles in her body.  We came back to SC and have had scans done that have now been reviewed by the entire medical team.  They are willing to try to desensitise her and attempt a kidney transplant, however it will come with many risk due to her vasculature. We are giving so much thought to making this decision.  We live in SC and had hoped to do this over the summer since I am a school nurse and am off during the summer.  We are scared of how to manage our family being split on opposite sides of the country emotionally, physically and financially.  We are afraid for our daughter to go through this and just as afraid for her not to.  We have prayed and really been thoughtful and I believe we need to give her this chance at a life without dialysis.  I have no idea how we will make it work, but I do believe if God opens the door for you he will see you through it.  We are so blessed to have had so much support, love, and kindness shown to us.  Mary Ashley has ALWAYS beat the odds of success.  We have faith that she can do it this again. We appreciate so much everyone’s thoughts, prayers and donations to COTA to help us get her the chance for life she deserves!



Mary Ashley Barbot

Charleston, SC

Transplant Type: Kidney

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $40,000.00

Raised: $22,452 of $40,000 goal

Raised by 23 contributors

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