We celebrated Rose’s 2nd birthday today, January 19th. The day she was born was the most joyous day of my life, last year on her 1st birthday she was dying in the hospital and this year is a very HAPPY birthday! We had to move her family birthday party to next weekend due to weather but we didn’t let it stop us from celebrating! Rose woke up and played with Davy, got dressed in her warm clothes and since the roads are too icy to drive anywhere, we trekked 1 mile in the ice and snow in her wagon to a coffee shop where she ate gingerbread pancakes. We went to a vintage store and tried on colored glasses and bought a cheap vinyl record as Rose loves to listen to our record player. We walked back 1 mile in the snow and ice and Rose fell asleep on the way (probably from a sugar crash haha). She got lots of FaceTime calls and videos from friends and family (it’s not too late to send yours – she LOVES THEM). We had dinner and cake when dada got home from work and Rose blew the candle out all by herself. She had a wonderfully simple and beautiful day. All the decorations and birthday outfit that I ordered for her haven’t come in yet because of the bad weather, so I think that we are going to go ahead and celebrate her birthday for the rest of the month of January. Why wouldn’t we? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR PRECIOUS “BABY ROSE”!!! 🫶🏻❄️🥳🥰🌹