April 9, 2023: We had a great visit with the Easter bunny last weekend and more precious family time in the beautiful Spring weather. (See Photo Gallery for Photos). This week we’ve gone really slowly with feeding and it seems like Baby Rose is tolerating feeds and her stomach is slowly “waking up”. She is still connected 20 hours a day to the IV nutrition which is getting harder to manage because she IS CRAWLING and pulling to stand and starting to really get on the move! We have an appointment this Tuesday are hopeful to decrease the amount of time she needs to be connected to the machine. There is no plan in place just yet and it’s all pretty much trial and error but we’ve managed to avoid the emergency room for two weeks, she is gaining weight and thriving. We’re still keeping her in a “bubble” as much as possible as she is very susceptible to illness and are thankful to be able to bring her to outdoor events while the weather is nice! P.S.