My Dad, My Hero

What is a hero?  A hero is someone who is admired for their courage, noble qualities or willingness to risk their life for the sake of another.

Many parents would do everything they possibly could for the health, safety and benefit of their children.  I believe a majority would even risk their lives for the lives of their children.  They can be called heroes as well.  But not all of us are required to actually act upon those instincts.

Samuel’s dad, Skip, is one parent who will have the opportunity to give part of himself for the sake of Samuel’s life.

You see, many people wait for months, if not years, for a transplant.  Many transplant patients have to undergo dialysis in order to stay alive while they’re waiting for a kidney.  Studies show however that those who do not have to go on dialysis have a better success rate post transplant, and the transplanted kidney typically lasts longer.  But where do these donor kidneys come from?  Well, if you have a drivers license, you were probably asked if you wanted to be an organ donor in the case of an accident where you don’t survive.  The other is a living donor.  This is someone who steps up and offers a kidney to someone in need.  Isn’t it amazing that God in His infinite wisdom gave us two kidneys?  

That is where Skip comes in.  In order for Samuel not to have to wait for a donor (either living or deceased), Skip has offered one of his kidneys for Samuel.  He has undergone numerous testing to determine that they are indeed, a close match.  And the fact that they are the same blood type (A+) is also a benefit.

I am so grateful to our Lord and Creator for giving each of us two kidneys.  We can live off of one but He has given us a gift with two.  He has also enabled doctors and scientists with wisdom to figure out how to take one kidney from a donor and save the life of another person.  It’s amazing when you think about it.  How precious and fragile life is.  And how awesome to think that we can sacrifice part of ourselves for another.

That is Sam’s dad.  He never thought twice when asked if he was willing.  At the end of the transplant, a physical part of Skip will now reside in his son.  That’s why he is Sam’s hero!


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