Being Blessed

We are so grateful to the Lord’s provision.  He gives us strength when we are weak, hope in the midst of dismay and joy during sorrow.  I can’t explain all that He provides.

He has provided financially as well.  Several people have stepped up to provide fundraising for COTA to assist with transplant-related expenses.  A spaghetti feed and silent auction and tiramisu dessert fundraiser happened just last month, donation cans are located around Cascade and an ice fishing tournament is scheduled for February.  COTA has been a huge blessing to us as we have recieved many out of pocket bills and I have not been able to work.

People may ask, “Do you have insurance?”  Well, yes we do and we have been blessed for the most part.  Of course, there are deductibles and out of pocket expenses that they don’t pay.  And unfortunately, insurance companies have an uncanny way of finding loopholes so they don’t have to pay.  Once example is with Sam’s medical supplies.  Samuel has to insert a catheter every two hours to drain his bladder during the day and places an indwelling foley catheter overnight to keep his bladder from becoming full and pushing urine back up the ureter tubes (reflux) into his kidneys and thus compromising them more.  You can imagine it gets quite costly when you add all that up.  Our insurance has denied paying for his catheter supplies and we have received a bill for $8500 for 3 months supply.  We are fighting this of course as Skip and his HR department have jumped through all the right hoops to get them to cover these costs.  It is exhausting living through this trial emotionally and physically but having to fight the insurance to pay is a financial burden on top of everything else.

We want to thank everyone who has given so generously to COTA in honor of Sam.  Many of you we don’t even know but we want share with you that you have blessed us immeasurably through your prayers and financial gifts to COTA.  May the Lord bless you, may He make His face to shine upon you wherever you are.

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