Leverage Social Media and Email to VIRALLY Share Your COTA Story

Viral communication (sharing information with others electronically, calling them to action and encouraging them to share the message online with their friends) provides maximum impact in a short timeframe. It is a simple and inexpensive way to share your COTA story and donation link.

The key to success in electronic communication is to spread the word and share the link to the COTA campaign website consistently. Here are some viral fundraising suggestions to consider:

  1. Keep the message simple. This will allow friends to read and share it quickly and easily. If the message is too long or too complicated, it may not be shared.
  2. Include visuals. Messages with visuals, like pictures or videos, typically receive the most engagement and are more likely to be shared.
  3. Make it relevant and timely. The message should have a sense of urgency so others will recognize the importance of sharing the information quickly. 
  4. State your call-to-action clearly. The first paragraph should tell readers everything they need to know. In fact, by the end of the first sentence, a reader should know why they are being asked to help. Direct readers to your COTA community campaign website for more information.
  5. Encourage sharing the message. Social scientists tell us that each person has at least 10 people in their close network of friends and family. When a friend gets a request from you, they will be motivated to act. Ask that friend to share the social media post or forward the email, and you will be telling your story to at least 10 other potential COTA contributors. The impact of your communication continues to increase each time the message is shared. 

Check out COTA’s Social Media Toolkit in the Fundraising Resources section for post templates and ideas. Please send all written materials and promotional items to CampaignInfo@cota.org for approval before posting or distributing.

And always remember to tag COTA and use #COTAHope on your social media posts so we can follow your viral efforts!

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Fundraising for Transplant-Related Expenses

COTA can help remove the financial barriers to a life-saving transplant by providing fundraising assistance and family support.