Hi all it’s been a while since we have done an update. Having a toddler really keeps you on your toes and busy. As always I’ll try to keep this short, but we know that won’t happen haha.

Betty’s heart is doing great. She did recently come home with a holter monitor to look at abnormal beasts. It was determined that she is having Premature Atrial Contractions. These are extra heartbeats that occur when the upper chamber of the heart, the atria, contract too early. They will monitor and no medication as of right now.

Betty’s GI system has its ups and downs. We had some bouts of C-Diff earlier this year and she was placed on antibiotics for a while, but so far no more occurrences. We are still battling diarrhea and due to this and her inflammatory bowel disease, it makes her bottom quite sore. Her G.I. doctor at this time due to her immune compromised system is just sticking with the diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease because kiddos like her can display signs of Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis symptoms. Her recent colonoscopy and endoscopy just showed mile inflammation.

We are happy to say Betty is saying a few words. Her autism will never go away, but we are learning ways to help her maneuver life. She has what is called an AAC device, which helps her communicate, and is also using some sign language. She can say more, mama, dada, open, up, apple and is trying to say bubble. She has therapy at home two days a week and at preschool.

Betty is still tube-fed due to oral aversions. But she is trying a few more different things. She is still eating apples, raspberries, green grapes, white cheddar Cheez-Its, a certain variety of vanilla bean yogurt (has to be the most expensive of course LOL), strawberries and saltine crackers.

Betty is a pretty happy toddler (but we have hit the terrible 2’s a bit late LOL). She loves to swing on her swing and go to the pool (Dad and Oma take her a few times a week and some bonus days I get to go if I get all my mom tasks done). She loves Blippi, Ms. Rachel and Bluey.

I’m sure there is a lot I’m forgetting about, but I’ll post again after January when she has her heart cath. As always thank you everyone for all the love for our girl.

Betty Stoltz

Leavenworth, WA

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $55,000.00

Raised: $45,913 of $55,000 goal

Raised by 192 contributors

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