

Hi all it’s been a while since we have done an update. Having a toddler really keeps you on your toes and busy. As always I’ll try to...

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Well it's been a while since we have updated you all on Betty and we are so sorry about that. This post will be long so be prepared...

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Betty the Wonder Woman

Betty is sporting her Wonder Women shirt today. Tomorrow we head over to Seattle Children's for her procedure on The Dr’s will be doing a cath through her...

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Betty is turning one!

Betty is turning one! #Bettysbigheart These words bring me so much joy to write. We have had a year to remember and can’t believe the support we...

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Summer Time!

Betty is doing wonderful. We had her GI, transplant cardiology, and ultrasound appts in May. She weighed in at 12lbs 11oz and no longer needs Mom’s milk fortified....

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We watch Betty grow

My last update was back on February 13th when we brought Betty to the condo, which became our home with Betty there. What a crazy month filled with...

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Betty is home in Seattle!

I have sat down to write this at least 3 times. The first time I realized I no longer had wifi because I had been using SCH’s wifi....

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February News

Hello everyone! First off, we wanted to say thank you to everyone who has chipped in and helped support Lester, Andrya and Betty! We have had a great...

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Big Steps

Betty continues to amaze. We have graduated from CICU and moved to the floor. This is a celebrated time at Children's and the staff are very supportive as...

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Betty Stoltz

Leavenworth, WA

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $55,000.00

Raised: $45,863 of $55,000 goal

Raised by 192 contributors