Blood is thicker than water

After not seeing each other since the beginning of June, these two kiddos got to spend this past weekend together!

We are so beyond grateful for my dear friend Amy, who generously donated frequent flier miles so that we were able to get Sierra up here. The weekend was so very needed!

Sierra flew up early Friday morning and just flew back home tonight. It was balm for my weary mama soul to have my babies together again.

This past weekend, we took walks (and breaks) together

We went to the movies! (I can’t believe our team okay’ed it, but they said as long as we went during the day and it wasn’t crowded, it would be ok – so we went at 10am on Sunday morning and the theatre was almost completely empty!) It was so fun to feel normal again.

We helped Bodie sort through all of the Amazon packages he received – thank you so much to all of you who purchased items off of his wish list! He is one very loved and lucky boy! He even let us help him build the Lego sets (a little).

Because she is an awesome big sister, she dyed Bodie’s hair last night. He was so excited.

Today, Bodie had a clinic appointment and labs, and Sierra was able to come along with us. I loved having her there to meet Bodie’s doctors and to hear what they had to say.

Bodie is still trucking along and things continue to look good. We dropped his midday dose of diuretics, went down on his Tacrolimus (one of his antirejection meds) and up on his Magnesium. Small tweaks to hopefully keep him in this good space. He was scheduled for his 8 week biopsy and cath this week but ended up being bumped to next week to accommodate scheduling. It’s nice to be stable enough that he can wait an extra week!

I was so sad to drop Sierra off at the airport tonight. I suppose it’s good practice for when she goes off to college, but I’m not quite ready for that yet! I cannot wait until we’re all back home together under the same roof!

In the meantime, we’ll hold on for hugs just a little bit longer.

Please continue to pray for Bodie and our entire family during this long recovery phase. Bodie is getting stronger by the day, but it’s still such a process. He’s still aways from being at 100%. We just have to take it day by day. Please pray that his strength continues to improve – and that his vocal cords heal!!!

Bodie Bennett

Valley Center, CA

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $100,000.00

Raised: $77,484 of $100,000 goal

Raised by 94 contributors

2 thoughts on “Blood is thicker than water

  1. Love the touching pictures of Bodie and Sierra you see her love for her brother.

    Mother and daughter time together it is a good break for Amy.

    You have good family support and very dear friends support as well.

  2. Love the touching pictures of Bodie and Sierra she cares deeply for her brother.

    Mother and daughter time together giving her mom support too.

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