Good evening, Natalie Nation!!
I am so excited to announce that last night Natalie was moved out of the PICU….woohoo!!!!!
She is still dealing with some fluid retention and collapsed lung, but doctors are not overly concerned at this point. Today also held a big day of improvements!! They were able to remove all the drains that were placed in the abdomen. This provides her with a little more comfort, which we’re thankful for. Doctors have begun giving Natalie very small amounts of liquid by mouth…another praise. She is still on continuous feeds through the Gtube, but we’re taking baby steps. Erech and Jennifer had a very busy day learning all about caring for the Gtube.
Natalie’s fever remained low-grade and doctors felt that due to the risk of infection with the drainage tubes, it was best to pull those out. Hopefully, since all the drainage tubes were removed, infection risk lowers, and the fever subsides.
Natalie is in great spirits today!! Thank you, God! We have missed seeing that beautiful smile.
Thank you, again, for all the love and support poured out during this time!! We’re thankful for the improvements Natalie has made. We know who holds her!