Our Story
Oakley's medical journey started at 22 weeks pregnant. After a series of unlikely events, our OB noticed some abnormalities on an ultrasound. We were referred to a high-risk pregnancy specialist where we were given the news that Oakley had a very real chance that he may not make it after birth. From what they could tell from the ultrasounds it appeared that he had a blockage in his urinary tract....
Continue Reading »Oakley Kwekel
Rockford, MI
Transplant Type: Kidney
Transplant Status: Transplanted
Goal: $100,000.00
Raised: $57,012 of $100,000 goal
Raised by 45 contributors
G-Tube or Bust. No Food, Please
First picture: I wish I could tell you he’s happy because he’s got a full tummy and just devoured some yogurt. But… Second picture: You can see the... Continue Reading »
Match, MATCHED!!
Guys, I totally freaked out ealier today when I realized that the first match – the $5,050 has been met!! That means that through $5,050 of what’s been... Continue Reading »
50/50! And Something to Celebrate
“He’s got a 50/50 chance of survival,” my brother said through tear-filled eyes and a very shaky voice. My siblings and I were all sitting in the living... Continue Reading »
50/50! Something to Celebrate
“He’s got a 50/50 chance of survival,” my brother said through tear-filled eyes and a very shaky voice. My siblings and I were all sitting in the living... Continue Reading »
Push. Dwell. Drain.
“Turning off” ??????. Words we’ve all heard a gazillion times, but to Oakley and his family on the morning of April 11, 2023, those two words meant... Continue Reading »
Facebook Page is Live!
Facebook page is up and running! Be sure to check it out for some fun videos and pictures too :) Continue Reading »
Wait… He’ll Need More?
DID YOU KNOW? (‘cause I sure didn’t…) Transplants aren’t usually a “one and done” thing. . Each transplant lasts 5-20 years on average. Well, Oak’s about... Continue Reading »
Love – That’s A Match!
LOVE. Love can cause us to do all sorts of things. Sometimes big things. Sometimes small things. It’s incredibly powerful. And a couple weeks ago, love made me... Continue Reading »
4/11/23 Transplant Day!
At 22 months old Oakley has gotten the ultimate present, a kidney! His Oma Shalom was the donor and both of them are currently doing great and recovering.... Continue Reading »