Transplants aren’t usually a “one and done” thing.
. Each transplant lasts 5-20 years on average. Well, Oak’s about to turn two, so rough estimate, he’ll need at least two or three more transplants in his lifetime. That means that he could be 40 years old with a family and “adulting” like a boss, and in need of another transplant. Remember me saying they’re crazy expensive? It’s not just medical bills, but transportation, time off work, etc. Lots of hidden costs that non-transplant-life people (like myself) never think about.

Well, since COTA’s assistance is available for Oakley’s lifetime, our goal is to raise at least $100,000 for COTA for Oakley Strong. That way, when he is in that “adulting” phase and the financial responsibility falls on him and his family – COTA can still help. That’s something that gives me lots of warm fuzzies

Would you please consider helping us meet our goal? Link to the COTA for Oakley Strong campaign site is below. AND… to leave you in some suspense… I have an exciting announcement to make. Stay tuned – info will go up later