Rhori was scheduled for kidney transplant today and it went well! It all came so fast but that was a good thing! Let us now hope and pray for a great recovery with no complications, rejections, or infections. Please keep Rhori and his family in your thoughts and prayers. We are still asking for donations to COTA for Rhoris Journey. Mom and dad’s stress level may have gone down after the kidney transplant (#blessed), but as we all know, the financial burden does not. Thank you to all that have, will, and going to donate to COTA for Rhoris Journey. Click here to donate. Please also share this link to your family, friends, co-workers, etc. Thank you.
“Rhori has new right kidney after removing both old kidneys during surgery. Kidney transplant happened today at 2pm until 8pm. Surgery went well but new kidney is not awake yet so might need dialysis for support. Currently, he has not urinated yet so doctor prescribed him some medications.” -Vanessa (Mom) after surgery.

Rhori and Mark (Dad) in the waiting room of OR before the kidney transplant surgery.

Rhori after kidney transplant surgery.