(Above) Rhori’s first day home after his kidney transplant with Grandma Linda and brother Miko

(Above) The boy settling in his favorite seat waiting for his favorite food, Grandma Linda’s adobo.
Per Aunty Wella Paayas:
- Rhori's appetite came back as soon as he came home (may 3), kept saying "i'm hungry, i'm hungry" to parents despite bolus
- eats adobo, rice, shrimp, baby carrots, chicken, tortillas
- as of may 20, not in isolation anymore, just needs to wear mask when outside
- wounds are healing fast and well
- most labs are normal (even crea and BUN!!), working on stabilizing magnesium and iron levels
- has developed a new sense of energy post transplant, is very active at home and is back to his normal routine
- has urodynamics (procedure to test bladder function) this june 5
- upcoming kidney biopsy this october (ivernight procedure) to evaluate how new kidney is doing
- transitioned to a weekly bloodwork appt instead of twice a week