Day 2

Transplant Day 2…
Things got a lil real last night????????????
Around 7:30 last night V was finally rid of the Foley catheter and that awful NG tube. ????
At 9pm she started having some serious pain 10/10 with no relief from pain meds and her BP was 150’s/160’s. Then she started to have bloody output????????????????
So all the blood work was ordered and all the tests were done. She finally settled down around 2am and slept for a couple of hours.
It was a very anxious night to say the least. At rounds, her surgeon explained that what was happening was within the realm of transplant and that all the tests came back looking good so we would watch the situation.
She was finally able to get some really good rest today and late this afternoon she made a turn for the better. BP is more stable and bloody output has seemed to subside. She’s stable and staying strong.