Tonight we come to a close on 2022. Since Christmas cards didn’t make it to the mail (nor honestly were ever written), I am going to use this post as an opportunity to update everyone on all our amazing accomplishments this past year.
While 2022 started in the hospital, I am happy to report 2022 is ending at home. January and February were challenging months for Annika. In February she celebrated her 7th birthday. March 17, 2022 was her 6 month post double lung transplant anniversary.
In the spring, Annika and I finally returned home, although we made frequent trips back and forth to Columbus. Also, spring brought the chance for Annika to play her first ever organized sport-softball. Each month of the spring brough more strength and normalcy for Annika. On the downside, Annika and the rest of us got COVID in May. Annika had it the least bad of everyone and we were very fortunate.
By June, Annika’s days were spent running and playing. June 17 we celebrated 9 months with her beautiful new lungs. In July she had a slight hiccup and ended up hospitalized with pneumonia for a few days, but fortunately she never became super sick.
August was our county fair. Annika loved every single minute of it. She showed chickens and rabbits. She played and made friends. It was simply the best. In August we also celebrated our first “real kid” injury. Annika dislocated her finger and needed surgery to pin it. She was casted for 4 weeks in a tie dye cast.
In September, Annika started being homeschooled. It has been an amazing and challenging task homeschooling this little sponge. She also started a Wednesday night Bible Study group called Wednesday Warriors. In September with also CELEBRATED 1 year with amazing new lungs and NO REJECTION. We celebrated the day with our transplant team and another amazing young lady who recieved her new lungs in June.
October landed us another quick admission. Annika was also a children’s marathon champion for the Columbus Marathon. But also marked the start of Annika going to Homeschool co-op. Halloween was fun and the first time Annika has walked and trick or treated!
November was Thanksgiving and our first time since transplant that we had a month off of going to Columbus. However, we traveled to Indiana to watch her sister Amelia complete in a National Youth Cross Country Meet. In early December we had follow up appointments which were all full of good reports. Also in December we met another family who has began their lung transplant journey. Annika and the young lady became friends and we look forward to a friendship in the future. Unfortunatly, mid December Annika got a bad case of Influenza A and ended up rather sick in the hospital with pneumonia and on oxygen. We made it home for Christmas though! Two days before Christmas Annika lost her very first tooth! She has the cutest toothless smile now.
Christmas was awesome. We were home, it was simple and calm. For the first time in awhile we had a white Christmas (actually an extremely cold white Christmas). Tomorrow we will start a new year. We look forward to so many more adventures in 2023. The sky is the limit!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
Annika the amazing, She is a beautiful soul, she has persevered more than any child should but as always she shows us all what courage looks like! I want nothing more than to continue to watch her grow into the amazing person I know she will be! Never forget how much I love you