Jan 15, 2023

Annika is currently in the hospital again. We arrived in Columbus Wednesday for a chest xray and a pending bronchoscopy on Thursday morning. Her bronchoscopy showed lots of secretions in her airways. Cultures and biopsies were sent. Annika was admitted to the hospital after her procedure and started on IV antibiotics. Side note, she lost tooth number 2 during her procedure. Biopsies came back on Friday and showed she is experiencing grade A2 (mild) acute rejection. A viral swab also showed she had yet another viral infection. Also labs indicated a rise in her antibodies against her lungs. She was immediately started on high dose IV steroids. She also recieved IVIG. As of today, she will recieve dose 3 of IV steroids. We are still waiting on final culture reports so as of now she is still on IV antibiotics also. Hopefully we will get out late today or tomorrow. She will have a repeat bronchoscopy in about a month. 

Annika Kelner

Jefferson, OH

Transplant Type: Lung

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $60,000.00

Raised: $28,138 of $60,000 goal

Raised by 72 contributors

5 thoughts on “Jan 15, 2023

  1. Let’s pray… Father we lift up Annzie to you and her time of need asking for Your intervention in her little lungs. We go right to the source of healing – to You, Father the physician of all physicians and ask this in Jesus name, Amen

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