I have been horrible about updating lately. We have had a lot of back and forth and ups and downs, but hopefully we are on the up side and only continuing to go up.
Recap: December Annika got influenza A and ended up very sick. In January, we found out she was in acute rejection so she was hospitalzied for treatment with IV steroids. February’s bronchoscopy and biopsies were inconclusive. While things visually looked better, rejection could not be 100% ruled out. We returned to Columbus in March and had a repeat bronchoscopy with biopsies on March 13.
With 100% certainty, those biopsies showed that Annika was free of rejection. Her lab work also looked fabulous. Our March visit also included our yearly cerebral palsy visit as well as a visit to feeding clinic and GI. Everyone is impressed with all of the improvements she continues to make.
February 25, Annika turned 8 years old! Her wish of a puppy came true. We now have a rescue puppy named Henrietta. She and Annika are like glue. I am excited for the weather to break so these two can go on crazy adventures together.
Last week we had an unexpected trip to Columbus to recieve Varicella specific (chickenpox specific) IVIG after a close exposure. She handled it well and got to have her first ever trip to Build A Bear. She also got to pick her first ever Easter Sunday dress as she will be preforming at church on Easter Sunday and again at the end of the month with her homeschool co-op.
On Annika’s 8th birthday, we learned more about her donor and his family. It was the best birthday gift ever. We are always and forever grateful for Noah and his entire family. There were so many days were we never thought we would see 8 years old!