January 27, 2022 – Day 47

Today, the doctors are removing the chest tube! Tomorrow morning, Arden will have another chest x-ray. If the x-ray looks good, they plan to discharge her sometime in the afternoon.

I may or may not have bawled crying when the doctor told us the plan. Please keep the prayers coming. We aren’t out of here yet!

Arden Gergen

Duvall, WA

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $75,000.00

Raised: $81,056 of $75,000 goal

Raised by 201 contributors

8 thoughts on “January 27, 2022 – Day 47

  1. Praying for good results on chest X-ray. God has been in this all the time and He will come through for you tomorrow!

  2. Sounds great. Praying that all goes as planned. I know you all are excited about this and I am excited and pleased for you all. We love you all.

  3. soooo Happy for the good news. Arden is constantly in our prayers! Ron is now in Heaven but I know he is working for Arden from there too. She was always first in Ron’.s and my daily morning and evening prayers. She and you have come a long way and we are so proud of her accomplishments. LOVE and continued prayers, Cindy.

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