Today is a busy day for little Ava Jaymes. The doctors had to start crossing off possibilities for her breathing issues and need for all the oxygen. So, Ava is going in around 11am for a heart cath, heart biopsy. She had an EKG and echo last night. There was nothing alarming that was making them think she was rejecting her heart, but they have to be sure.
They do think she aspirated one of the many times she has thrown up. She will be having a bronchoscopy while they have her under. Afterwards they will send off samples of the solution from her lungs to make sure she is not growing any kind of fungus (most common with heart transplants they said). Also, the throat doctors are going to try and sneak in at the end of it all and look at her vocal cords. They have not improved like they thought they would have by now.
So today, Ava will be little miss popular. Please say a little prayer and send some good vibes, anything. It is nothing she hasn’t done before but I still worry for my baby girl.