The Recovery Begins

The past 4 days in the ICU post surgery were exhausting for all of us, but especially for Cassidy. We are thankful to share that she is stable enough to be moved out of the ICU to a regular care room to continue with her recovery. Thank you to all who have showered us with prayers. We are so grateful! Here are some additional prayer requests for this week:

  • Cassidy is in a LOT of pain. She needs to push through the pain in order to do physical therapy for her body to recover. Please pray for a relief from the pain so that her body can move and heal.
  • Please pray as Cassidy undergoes an ERCP scope in the next couple days due to possible post-surgery issues. 


Danny and Jamie

6 thoughts on “The Recovery Begins

  1. Everyone in the Souza/Slavish Ohana are praying for Cassidy each day. And she is remembered daily at St. Ann Church, Kaneohe. Cassidy, keep on fighting. There will be less pain every day.

  2. Hi Cassidy and family. I heard of your experience and wanted to send a message of love and encouragement. This month is my 11 year transpantversary! I received a double lung/heart transplant at Stanford in 2012. I know first hand the journey you are on and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Unfortunately, I remember the pain that was all encompassing right after surgery. It takes trial and error for the Drs. to know which meds and which combinations and which quantities work for each individual. Once they find the right formula for you, the pain will subside and you can start to recover and feel stronger and start PT. Listen to your body and give yourself a lot of grace while you heal. Give yourself a year to feel like yourself again! I wish you all the best. Your fellow transplant friend, Sharlie

  3. Cassidy,
    May the Lord take his hands and hold you during these difficult times. Know that not only your family but so many people are praying for the pain to subside and the body to heal. Praying for you my friend!!

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