Update #5

Last Sunday, July 2nd it was all about  rubber ducks.  That’s right! 475 Rubber Ducks were let loose at Frontier Towns Duck Race for Charity. COTAforEmilyslungs.com was selected to receive the $5 per duck entry fee. We set a record for the most ducks ever for this event. Team Emily would like to thank Everyone that came out to support this exciting race and ALL the people that supported this event from Delta PA to MD and DE. 

 The race lasted about a minute and a half and the winners were announced. The first and third place winner was present at the race and quickly made herself known. Second place winner was not in attendance and will be notified by phone.

All of the spectators were cheering on the mini-waterfowl as if it was the Preakness in Pimlico. Frontier Town runs three of these races every summer, Memorial, 4 th of July and Labor Day. COTA for Emilys Lungs was very fortunate to be chosen for this race. We would like to thank Emma Hancock, Special Events with Frontier Town and all of their wonderful staff for making this event happen for COTA for Emilys Lungs. 
PS: If you are ever in Ocean City, MD please visit Frontier Town and their Waterpark with your kids. The whole family will love vacationing and spending time there

Emily Sachs

Ocean City, MD

Transplant Type: Lung

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $85,000.00

Raised: $81,291 of $85,000 goal

Raised by 280 contributors

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