Update #8

Good Afternoon,

It has been awhile since we have updated Emily’s Blog. As you will see we have been very busy. I would like to bring everyone up to date. August 24-26 we were part of “Jeep Week” at the Convention Center in Ocean City. We raised around $800 to support COTA for EmilysLungs. Everyone was very nice and loved the ducks that we sold.

On September 20, at the Sterling Tavern in Berlin we had a BINGO fundraiser. It was a fabulous success thanks to all our BINGO players, our volunteers and of course the owners, Matt and Brooke,GM Chad and their amazing staff. We raised $2700 to support COTA for Emilys Lungs. We had over 15 prizes donated by our very generous community between Ocean City, Berlin and Fenwick Island DE

October 3, we had a luncheon at Mia Fratellos restaurant in Fenwick Island DE and a wonderful fashion show by Bruder Hill, Berlin MD. The event was attended by over 80 people. When we planned this event, we had no idea that Emily and Scott woud be able to attend. We were so estatic and thankful! We had over 25 Chinese Auction items, 50/50 Drawing, a huge Boardwalk Basket worth over $500, Mystery boxes and 2 dozen cupcakes donated by Rita’s Desserts in Bishopville. All of our Chinese auction items were donated by the very generous community of Berlin, Ocean City and Fenwick Island DE. Thanks to ALL our volunteers, the staff at Mia Fratellos and guests that continue to support what we are doing. We were so happy to raise over $3800 to support COTA for Emilys Lungs. WELCOME HOME EMILY!!!!

The last event we had on the calendar in October, for Emily, was held at Playa Bowls in Salisbury MD. It was a Dine and Donate and we raised over $200. Thank you to the marvelous staff and all the people that came out to support COTA for Emilys Lungs, including Emily and her husband Scott.

Please know that we are close to our goal, but we still need your support and your donations to support COTAforEmilysLungs.com

Continue to check our website for our upcoming events.

Emily Sachs

Ocean City, MD

Transplant Type: Lung

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $85,000.00

Raised: $81,291 of $85,000 goal

Raised by 280 contributors

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