Transplant Update!

Hi everyone! Transplant Update!

Jax’s new kidney, Sunny, is doing well! Why Sunny? Because his new kidney came from the sunshine state, Florida! He’s doing well – as expected – in the PICU. He’ll be there for several days and then transferred to the transplant floor. His labs look great! BUN and Creatinine are good! His new kidney is making urine! #Hallelujah

My surgery also went well and I am still in the hospital. I definitely underestimated the pain I would be in and haven’t made it to the PICU yet to see Jax.

We had a couple of min to see each other yesterday after I left recovery and he was heading into pre-op. He was so happy and definitely tried to climb in my lap!

The girls are doing great with their Nana at home and did a little baking this afternoon!

Thank you so much for all of your messages sent to Matt and myself. We appreciate all of the love and support!

Jax Sutton

Noblesville, IN

Transplant Type: Kidney

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $60,000.00

Raised: $55,549 of $60,000 goal

Raised by 251 contributors

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