How to Continue to Help Josiah

Today is a great day! Josiah is getting his heart transplant. After waiting 310 days, we got the call that there was a heart for him. This is a day we have prayed and waited for, for so long. We have also been praying for funds to be donated to COTA for Josiah’s Journey and to raise $50, 000 by August 3rd. If we raise $50,000 by this date, then COTA will donate an additional $5,000 towards Josiah’s Journey. This seems impossible to accomplish in just a few days as we are currently at $18,995.00.
However, time and time again, God has provided our needs perfectly in His time. Nothing is impossible with Him. Please take a moment and donate to COTA for Josiah’s Journey. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Also, check to see if your company will match your donation. COTA partners with many companies on matching donations. Let’s see another miracle and raise $31,005.00 by August 3rd. Pass this message along to as many people as possible. We treasure your prayers!
-Tami Faith

Josiah Hansen

Aurora, CO

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $50,000.00

Raised: $36,253 of $50,000 goal

Raised by 102 contributors

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