Good Morning,
We have been meaning to get an update sent out, but just have not gotten it done. It has been two weeks since we sent the last update letting you all know that Miranda and Lorie were going to be coming home. It has been nice having them back in Pendleton and we are getting settled back in. Miranda has had a couple of blood draws in Pendleton and that has seemed to be working okay with the results getting sent to Seattle. This past Saturday, Miranda, Lorie, & Tod went back to Seattle because Miranda had a sleep study Saturday night. The doctors are trying to figure out why her oxygen levels drop when she is sleeping and see if there is anything that can be done to help her sleep better. Miranda had to be at the clinic at 7:00 Saturday night, and she & Lorie spent the night there. Tod came back and picked them up at 6:30 Sunday morning. They connected Miranda to monitors to capture all types of data. We will not know the results of those tests for a few weeks. Then on Monday, Miranda had appointments with the Cardiology Team and her counselor. These appointments went well and the only concern is that Miranda’s white blood cell count was down to 1.0, which is very low. The doctors decided to take her off of one of her medications a little bit early because that is one of the side effects of the medication. They would have taken her off this medication at 90 days anyway, so it is about 20 days early. In the meantime, Miranda just has to be careful about who she is around. The doctors will continue to monitor her white blood cell count with each blood draw.
Brittany finished up her Spring Term classes on Tuesday, May 16, and Tod, Lorie, & Miranda went down on Wednesday and helped her move back home for the summer. It is nice having her home. She will be working at Dr. Harrison’s Office again this summer and she is looking forward to that and the opportunity to do a few different things than she has done the past couple of summers. Unfortunately, she was not able to go to Seattle over the weekend due to some other commitments. Also on Tuesday, May 16, there was an article in the East Oregonian about Miranda receiving her heart transplant and now being back in Pendleton. It was a nice article and was a follow-up to the article they did last June about Miranda needing a transplant.
Miranda’s next trip to Seattle will be for another heart catheterization on June 8. This is a routine procedure that the doctors do at 90 post transplant. They will do a heart biopsy and make sure that everything is functioning well.
We hope that you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend this coming weekend. It is hard to believe that we are almost to the end of May. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We really appreciate it. Take Care!
Lorie, Tod, Brittany, & Miranda