
Update – January 5th, 2024

Good Morning, We just want to provide you all with a quick update on Miranda's appointments that took place earlier this week.  On Tuesday, Miranda had her check-up appointments at Seattle Children's Hospital. ...

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Update – December 27, 2023

Hello.  We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you have the opportunity to spend time with family and friends sometime during the holidays.  It...

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Update – September 9, 2023

Good Evening,   First of all, we want to thank everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and support this week.  We really appreciate it.  Knowing that we have so...

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Update – September 8, 2023

Good Morning, Just a very quick update.  Miranda and Lorie are still at Seattle Children's Hospital.  Things are going well.  The doctors continue to run tests and the...

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Update – September 6, 2023

Good Morning,   We want to send a quick message out.  We apologize that it has been almost 2 months since we sent out the last update.  We want...

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Update – July 9, 2023

Hello, Today (Sunday) marks four months since Miranda received her new heart.  It does not seem possible that it has been that long.  Time does seem to go...

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Update – May 24th 2023

Good Morning, We have been meaning to get an update sent out, but just have not gotten it done.  It has been two weeks since we sent the last...

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Miranda Case

Pendleton, OR

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $80,000.00

Raised: $82,740 of $80,000 goal

Raised by 229 contributors