Update – September 6, 2023

Good Morning,
We want to send a quick message out.  We apologize that it has been almost 2 months since we sent out the last update.  We want to let everyone know that we are currently at Seattle Children’s Hospital.  On Monday, Miranda started having some abdominal pain.  That evening she threw up.  Then yesterday morning she continued to have some extreme pain and she threw up a few more times.  Lorie ended up taking Miranda to the emergency room at St. Anthony Hospital in Pendleton.  They ran several tests and scans and were not able to figure out what was causing the pain.  They did give her some pain medication to make her feel better.  Because they were not able to identify anything and they were not able to do an echocardiogram in Pendleton, the doctors at Seattle Children’s Hospital decided to have Miranda life flighted to Seattle.  Lorie went with Miranda on the plane.  Tod got things packed up and drove to Seattle Tuesday evening.
When Miranda got  to the hospital, they ran several tests, did an echocardiogram, and some scans.  They still were not able to identify what was causing Miranda’s pain.  They were able to determine that Miranda’s heart and other major organs were not having issues.  Miranda was admitted to a regular room around 11:15 Tuesday night.  The doctors have scheduled a Heart Catheterization and biopsy for this afternoon.  They were also able to coordinate with the Ear, Nose, & Throat doctor and Miranda will also get another injection to her left vocal cord when they are done with the catheterization.  Both of these procedures had actually been scheduled for next Monday, so it just means that we do not have to come up next week.
Miranda is not experiencing pain today, which is a good thing and the doctors are continuing to run tests to see what may have been causing it.  We thank you for your prayers and thoughts while we go through this.  We are hoping that we will be able to come home on Thursday.  We will just have to wait and see.  Brittany is currently back at school at Pacific University, but she is keeping in touch with us.
Lorie, Tod, Brittany, & Miranda

Miranda Case

Pendleton, OR

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $80,000.00

Raised: $82,740 of $80,000 goal

Raised by 229 contributors

One thought on “Update – September 6, 2023

  1. Love you, Miranda!!
    I am praying that the doctors figure out what is going on so you will feel better soon. And not miss out on RoundUp Fun. And school. And Friends.
    Love you all.

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