Update – September 8, 2023

Good Morning,

Just a very quick update.  Miranda and Lorie are still at Seattle Children’s Hospital.  Things are going well.  The doctors continue to run tests and the results are good.  They are making some adjustments to Miranda’s medications to see what impact that has and whether it adjusts some of her levels that they would like to be improved.  The heart biopsy results had not come back as of Thursday evening.  The doctors are wanting to get those results back before they will consider discharging Miranda.  So at this time, we do not know when Miranda & Lorie will be able to come home.  Tod is doing fine.  He has tested a couple of times for COVID and the results have been negative, so that is a good thing.  If he can make it to Sunday and not have a positive test, he should be good.
Well, have a good day and we will send another update when we have more information.  Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.
Biopsy Update: 
Miranda’s biopsy came back negative which means she is not rejecting her new heart.  We will leave late afternoon after our friends get off work to drive us home.

Tod is feeling well today and went to work.
Lorie, Tod, Brittany, & Miranda

Miranda Case

Pendleton, OR

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $80,000.00

Raised: $82,740 of $80,000 goal

Raised by 229 contributors

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