Happy 6 week mark! We had a great weekend of doing things we love. Going to a Baseball game, eating ballpark food and having family game nights.

Today, we had our GI surgery appointment, got some labs drawn, and then removed her PICC line! Only tube left to remove is her GJ tube in her belly. She also had PT and got to play some fun games!

She is feeling better and getting stronger every day. We are all ready to be home!! We are waiting to see GI to get our final approval in order to head home. They were able to move her GI appointment up from next week to this Thursday. She will get her tube out and we will get a “go home” date. Should be soon but won’t know exactly when until Thursday!
Grandma Becky arrived today. Jarret goes on his first work trip since her surgery at the end of this week. It’s also our 13th wedding anniversary and Jarret’s birthday this week. So, no matter what, it’s going to be a busy week and should go by quickly!

Avery had her Make-A-Wish interview today. They asked her lots of questions and she thought it was super fun! Her official wish: I wish to work at a Koala Rescue for a day!